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How Acekube Empowers Large Organizations in their Transformation Journey

What is Agile Methodology?

Agile Methodology is an iterative, flexible, and collaborative approach to manage and develop projects or software. In recent years this approach has grabbed the attention of many types of industries due to its success rate and ability to adapt to the market needs. It uses the principles, tools and techniques that can help organizations to deliver efficient results according to the consumer needs. Many large organizations are switching to the Agile way of handling projects for achieving better results. There are many frameworks that can help the organizations to implement Agile for transforming their business:

  • Scrum

  • SAFe

  • Extreme Programming

  • Crystal

  • Feature-driven development

  • Test-Driven Development

  • Lean Software Development

  • Kanban

  • Dynamic Systems Development Method

Agile Principles

To attain organizational agility, Agile principles have to be implemented from the root level to the top. The Agile Manifesto has laid the foundation for implementation through the 12 principles:

  • Customer satisfaction by early and continuous delivery of valuable software.

  • Welcome changing requirements, even in late development.

  • Deliver working software frequently.

  • Close daily cooperation between business people and developers.

  • Projects are built around motivated individuals, who should be trusted.

  • Face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication.

  • Working software is the primary measure of progress.

  • Sustainable development, able to maintain a constant pace.

  • Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design.

  • Simplicity- the art of maximizing the amount of work not done- is essential.

  • Best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.

  • Regularly, the team reflects on how to become more effective, and adjusts accordingly.

Why is Agile transformation needed?

The world dynamics is changing frequently that also includes the consumer needs. This created a requirement for an approach that could help in adapting to the changing market needs quickly without incurring huge losses. Developers came out with the solution named Agile Software Development that used principles, tools and techniques that provided the required freedom and flexibility to the process of production or management. The world requires changing with the changing needs so the Agile transformation is the much needed approach. Some of the other reasons to undergo Agile Transformation are as follows:

  • Takes a customer-centric approach.

  • Provides flexibility in the process.

  • Simplifies the whole process into small phases.

  • Improves the quality of the end product.

  • Saves a lot of money to adapt to the change in needs.

  • Self-organizing teams get the opportunity to innovate ideas for management.

Challenges faced during Agile transformation

The fact has been established that Agile is the solution for the new age problem of rigidity but to implement its values isn’t easy. The organizations have to go through a lot of challenges throughout the transformation journey:

  • Understanding the new concept.

  • Improper use of tools and techniques.

  • Insufficient supply of finances for implementation.

  • Rigid hierarchical structure.

  • Untrained employees.

  • Resistance to change.

  • Change in specs or techniques.

  • Mandatory recruitment of experts in Agile.

Role of Acekube in the transformation journey

Agile transformation is a tedious and lengthy journey that requires the correct guidance from start to end. The whole transformation requires a change on an individual, team as well as enterprise level. Detailed knowledge of Agile and the framework to be used for implementation is necessary to be successful. The Agility experts are the hired professionals for implementing Agile properly in an organization. Acekube offers training and consulting to the professionals to get certified and accelerate their growth. This platform provides certification courses to individual, teams and organizations for becoming Agile. They also guide with their expertise in the field throughout the transformation journey. Some of the courses that they offer are:


Business agility can be attained by using the correct methods, tools and techniques. Agile is one of the most popular and common approach for achieving agility. Large organizations are beginning their transformation journey towards agility. Acekube is the right stop for guiding and helping your organization throughout the journey. For more details about the courses and training visit their website.

1. What is Acekube’s expertise in Agile transformation?

Acekube is a digital platform that offers courses for individuals or enterprises seeking to learn Agile. All the platforms claim to be the best in the field but there are statistics to prove our expertise:

  • We have been serving the purpose for more than 20 years.

  • We are Scaled Agile Inc. Silver Partner so we provide training and consultation to our clients to attain Agility at both team and enterprise level.

  • We offer all the popular courses that are required for Agile Transformation.

  • We have successfully trained 3000+ students over the years.

  • Our trainers and coaches are experts of the field and have a reputation that comes with experience. Our experts have worked with large renowned organizations like:

    1. Infosys

    2. Philips

    3. HSBC

    4. Citibank

    5. Colt

    6. RBS

    7. Microsoft

    8. NIIT

    9. Fly Emirates

2. Can Acekube’s services address specific challenges faced by large organizations during transformation?

At Acekube we apply a practical and realistic approach rather than a theoretical one. This is because we know that it may seem easy to implement Agile but a lot of challenges wait when it is actually done. We help our clients to address and encounter some challenges faced during transformation. Our Agility Experts guide and train individual and teams to deal with such obstacles that may hinder the progress of the transformation. Our experts have delivered 700+ successful trainings for large organizations and individual by far.

3. Does Acekube provide ongoing support after the initial transformation process?

Yes, Acekube does provide support after initial transformation process. We offer multiple courses of advanced level that give an insight of the tools and techniques required for total transformation in an organization.

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